For years, we have been using sedative analgesia as a relaxation method for adults and children. This technique has been used for decades in the USA but is still relatively unknown in Italy. Through a dedicated apparatus (sedation machine), a controlled amount of nitrous oxide and oxygen is delivered. This mixture, inhaled through the nose via a dedicated mask, induces a profound sense of relaxation in the patient without causing any accumulation in the body. In fact, upon discontinuation of gas inhalation, the patient is perfectly conscious and capable of performing any activity. Our aim is to make dental treatments as painless as possible and to provide care even to those who, due to previous traumatic treatments, have avoided visiting the dentist in recent years.

During the first session, a trial is conducted so that both the patient and the operator understand the functioning of the method, applied individually. Especially for younger children, it is important that before using this technique, the child has already established a trusting relationship with the operator (psychological approach). Only through complete relaxation can the necessary cooperation be achieved to calmly accept dental treatment.

Sometimes, in very young children or in patients who have received previous traumatic treatments, a preliminary medication based on benzodiazepines may be necessary, which, by enhancing its effect, make nitrous oxide even more effective.

It is important to emphasise the safety of the method: in fact, its mixing with oxygen, never in percentages lower than 30%, makes the amount of oxygen inhaled by the patient even higher than that present in the atmosphere.

On the website, you can find many interesting information about the technique.


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